Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tailgating Tip - Set a Budget and Stick to It.

When you set a budget, you’re providing some limitations to your endeavors, but you’re also providing peace of mind by planning ahead and knowing what you’re spending, and how you will spend it. Food, gas, entertainment, souvenirs, ticket prices, and parking should all be considered, and extra “head room” money is encouraged for more peace of mind, and in the case of a financial emergency. 
Check out more Tailgating Tips at Tailgating Nation

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tailgating Tips - Fill Her Up!!

It would be even more disappointing to run out of gas at any point in time on your tailgating day. Top your car off with gas so you can enjoy hours of warm heat in cold weather, and to ensure you make it to and from the show accordingly. It’s always a good idea to fill up the day before so you can just hit the road and get to the event at a reasonable time.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tailgating Tips - Jumper Cables

Jumper Cables
 If you’ll be bumping your car radio all day long, leaving interior and head lights on, or if you’re attending an event in cold weather, there’s a chance you might kill your battery. If you don’t have cables, chances are someone else in your group does. It will give you peace of mind and allow you to “splurge” on your car amenities and enjoy your tailgating party.
Check out more Tailgating Tips at Tailgating Nation